The challenge // The first step was developing an integrated brand experience that communicates in a credible and consistent manner. This would greatly help towards establishing the business further as a trusted partner for those seeking stable and reliable internet connectivity.
The strategy // Re-imagining the business strategy, messaging and graphic identity was the first step towards creating a fresh but familiar Internet-SA brand experience. The KRAFT designsmiths™ Amplify Process presented the ideal framework from which to reaffirm the business’ purpose and design their brand.
The result // The resulting messaging and corporate identity arsenal considered not only the core personality and objectives of the business but also the frame of reference of the rural farming-focused community. Although the brand is unapologetically positioned within the high-end technology sector, it still communicates an accessible and approachable identity which proved invaluable in reaching Internet-SA’s target market.
The challenge // Part and parcel of Internet-SA’s 2020/21 business strategy are launching their much-anticipated fibre network in the local and surrounding areas. Targeting both users who are currently subscribed to the fixed wireless network and those who are not connected at all, the fibre network presents a completely new way of thinking about what’s possible on the internet.
The strategy // The campaign strategy leveraged of the KRAFT designsmiths™ Elevate Process, walking the Internet-SA team through campaign objectives, audience talking points and an appropriate concept. Based on the resulting strategy, a complete marketing collateral set was written, designed and developed, including a custom landing page, an email nurture series and various print and digital display assets.
The result // Creating awareness around the launch of the fibre network through a focused campaign strategy enabled Internet-SA not only to communicate more effectively but also laid the foundations for reaching their sign-up targets for both the 2020 and 2021 business year.
The new tagline for the Internet-SA brand perfectly summarises the purpose and personality of the brand. Guiding their customers towards connecting with their worlds and growing their own businesses lies at the very core of what the company is about.
Their refreshed brand identity and supporting campaign creates the perfect platform from which to serve the community and in tandem, launch Internet-SA into the next season of their own journey.
The results speak for themselves:
+ An integrated brand that not only represents the business but also connects with the audience.
+ A focused and targeted campaign to effectively reach business objectives and address audience talking points.
+ A collection of marketing collateral that consistently communicates the brand and campaign messages.
+ A complete communication platform from which to grow the business and expand the offering.
What is your business’ strategy for communicating with your target audience?
Every product, service and brand deserves a focused approach to make sure you can connect with your audience and grow your brand. No matter your industry or sector, the KRAFT designsmiths™ team will amplify your brand and elevate your message.